Senin, 27 Agustus 2018


Saat ini semakin banyak proyek blockchain yang melakukan yang terbaik untuk menciptakan peluang bagi penggunaan luas cryptocurrency. Salah satunya adalah Pasar Ubcoin yang saat ini mengembangkan ekosistem terdesentralisasi untuk menjual barang nyata untuk cryptocurrency. Pasar Ubcoin memecahkan beberapa masalah yang dihadapi oleh komunitas crypto saat ini. Untuk pemegang token, ekosistem peer-to-peer ini menjadi platform untuk membelanjakan cryptocurrency. Pasar Ubcoin memungkinkan mereka untuk membayar barang tanpa perlu pertukaran uang kertas. Ekosistem ini menciptakan platform di mana orang-orang yang tidak dapat menggunakan cryptocurrency karena peraturan perundang-undangan dapat menemukan penggunaan untuk kekayaan mereka.
Platform ini juga memberi pengguna kesempatan untuk memasuki dunia crypto dengan cara yang sangat aman dan sederhana. Banyak orang tertarik menjadi investor cryptocurrency terutama ketika mereka melihat berbagai contoh membuat keberuntungan Bitcoin dan cryptocurrency lainnya. Namun, prosesnya tampaknya rumit. Mengubah uang kertas menjadi cryptocurrency tidak selalu mudah dan mungkin menjadi bisnis yang berisiko bagi seorang pemula di lapangan. Pasar Ubcoin menawarkan cara sederhana untuk memasuki peluang dan menyingkirkan barang yang tidak lagi diperlukan menjadi cryptocurrency.
Pengertian Pasar Ubcoin
Pasar Ubcoin adalah pasar ponsel global untuk membeli dan menjual barang-barang dunia nyata untuk cryptocurrency.
Jumlah pemegang cryptocurrency diproyeksikan meningkat hampir 10 kali lipat, dari 22 juta saat ini menjadi 200 juta di seluruh dunia pada tahun 2020. Cara termudah untuk menjadi pemilik cryptocurrency adalah dengan menjual barang untuk crypto. Pendekatan ini akan mendorong adopsi massal di tahun-tahun mendatang.
Kapitalisasi pasar cryptocurrency adalah sekitar $ 400 miliar. Ada permintaan besar untuk menghabiskan kekayaan itu dengan membeli barang-barang dunia nyata untuk crypto.
Hampir setengah dari semua aktivitas pembelian dan penjualan online sekarang terjadi di pasar, sementara perdagangan seluler akan segera melampaui perdagangan situs karena penetrasi ponsel cerdas global mencapai 37% dari populasi dunia pada tahun 2020.
Bagaimana cara kerja Ubcoin?
Setiap ponsel pintar yang dijual di negara-negara CIS dilengkapi dengan aplikasi UBank yang sudah terpasang di dalam pesawat. UBank adalah salah satu aplikasi default yang paling umum dan fase berikutnya adalah penciptaan Pasar Ubcoin di aplikasi Ubank yang sudah ada. Itu berarti secara alami, akan ada hampir kurang lebih dari dua setengah juta pengguna dengan aplikasi yang terpasang di ponsel mereka.
Ubank telah memiliki pemahaman tentang bagaimana memperlakukan investor dengan cara yang benar dan juga memberikan mereka janji-janji yang mereka buat. Dengan lebih dari 16 juta orang yang telah mengunduh aplikasi ini di seluruh dunia, mereka tahu apa yang seharusnya mereka lakukan dan lebih dari 16 juta unduhan, 5 juta dari mereka kini terdaftar sebagai pengguna yang aktif menggunakan aplikasi Ubcoin. Saat ini, lebih dari 20 juta transaksi diproses oleh sistem Ubank setiap tahun sejak tahun 2013. Itu adalah basis pengguna yang stabil dan konsisten yang telah terjadi selama lebih dari 5 tahun sekarang.
Ekosistem Ubank dirancang untuk bertukar barang untuk mengubahnya menjadi cryptocurrency dan kemudian kembali lagi jika diperlukan. Platform dan aplikasi berhasil menjembatani kesenjangan yang telah ada antara dunia nyata dan cryptocurrency.
Tujuan Ubcoin
Tujuan Ubcoin adalah menerapkan teknologi blockchain ke pasar secara peer-to-peer. Platform beroperasi di bawah kontrak cerdas Ethereum. Smart contract memastikan bahwa transaksi lancar, aman, transparan dan terdesentralisasi. Penjual dan pembeli merasa aman dan terlindungi melakukan transaksi melalui kontrak cerdas (penjual menerima uang hanya setelah syarat penjualan telah dibuat sepenuhnya).
Produk Pasar Ubcoin
  • Pengadopsian massa cryptocurrency
Kami mempromosikan adopsi massal aset digital yang merupakan sarana penyelesaian dan sarana investasi, sehingga memperbesar manfaat bagi semua pihak untuk interaksi beli dan jual sehari-hari.
  • Interaksi peer-to-peer
Potong sebanyak mungkin perantara dari rantai nilai. Platform ini memfasilitasi pelaksanaan kontrak yang cerdas antara pihak independen. The Ubcoin Marketplace tidak memiliki barang untuk dijual, itu tidak bias dalam hasil pencariannya, dan melindungi kewajaran kontrak pintar.
  • Pasar legal
Kami memberikan perhatian khusus untuk memastikan keabsahan barang dan jasa yang dijual di pasar Ubcoin. Kami sedang mengembangkan teknologi AI canggih untuk membantu memposting pratinjau penjual untuk setiap potensi pelanggaran nalar, moralitas, keselamatan dan perawatan yang wajar. Transparansi dan verifikasi profil penjual akan sangat dianjurkan dan dipromosikan.
  • Desentralisasi transaksi dan pemukiman
Blockchain memungkinkan inisiasi terdesentralisasi, penyelesaian dan pemenuhan transaksi. Pembayaran segera dilakukan berdasarkan kontrak cerdas yang dibuat dengan hati-hati.
  • Antarmuka sempurna
Desain antarmuka kami menghadirkan pengalaman belanja dan penjualan yang harmonis dan mulus secara global. Kami akan berusaha untuk membuka API kami kepada komunitas untuk mengembangkan adaptasi terbaik dari platform untuk kebutuhan lokal spesifik dari komunitas global.
  • Buka komunitas
Beberapa transaksi mungkin, di masa depan, memerlukan prosedur tambahan KYC / AML untuk pelaksanaan kontrak cerdas untuk jenis transaksi tertentu yang melibatkan penyedia pihak ketiga (mis. Perusahaan pengiriman, kurir, notaris). Platform Ubcoin memimpikan keterlibatan tanpa batas dari pihak-pihak ini.
Rincian ICO
  • Nama - (Ubcoin)
  • Token - (UBC)
  • Token-Seleur - (2 April - 31 Mei 2018)
  • Harga token - (0,000089 ETH)
  • Jumlah minimum biaya adalah (2.000 ETH)
  • Jumlah maksimum biaya (179.000 ETH)
  • Token yang dibuat - ( UBC)

Peta Jalan

Tim Ubcoin

Oleg Bud
Manajemen portofolio smartphone Samsung untuk pasar negara berkembang. Pengembangan produk dan layanan seluler yang inovatif untuk ponsel Samsung. Total 15 tahun pengalaman bekerja dengan perangkat dan layanan seluler yang inovatif. 10 tahun pengalaman dalam manajemen portofolio produk. 5 tahun pengalaman pengembangan VAS dan Ekosistem untuk pasar CIS.
Pasar Ubcoin bertujuan untuk menyediakan pasar di mana setiap orang dapat dengan aman dan cepat menjual atau membeli barang nyata dengan imbalan cryptocurrency.
Untuk informasi lebih lanjut, Silahkan kunjungi situs dibawah ini:

Penulis: Ladyechy
Dompet ETH Saya: 0x62Ff1DB85A2eb4a2c67724C60357F7AD87235b3e

Minggu, 26 Agustus 2018

Ubcoin Market - Provides markets safely and quickly, sells or buys real goods in return for cryptocurrency

Here Iam will review about Ubcoin. In the  famous cryptocurrency world, it causes more and more people who are interested and want to invest in this digital currency. Many people are interested in buying and storing cryptocurrency as an investment because it promises high profit. But in other cases there are still many people who are difficult to obtain and buy cryptocurrency because of the regulation of their country. Currently there are several countries that have not regulated and legalized cryptocurrency, so that many people are difficult when they have to buy cryptocurrency through fiat currency payments involving banks. This platform also gives users the opportunity to enter the crypto world in a very safe and simple way. Many people are interested in becoming a cryptocurrency investor, especially when they see examples of making fortune on Bitcoin and other cryptocurrency. However, the process seems complicated. Turning paper money into cryptocurrency isn't always easy and might be a problem business for a beginner in the field. Ubcoin Market offers a simple way to enter the ball - and get rid of items that are no longer needed at the same time.

Watching Video Introduction about Ubcoin

Besides that, there are still many people who do not understand how to buy cryptocurrency, they feel that buying cryptocurrency must go through a complicated and difficult process. And to provide a solution to this problem, the Ubcoin platform will provide a marketplace that allows everyone to sell their goods by being paid cryptocurrency, without going through the payment process to fiat currency and without involving the payment institution as well as the bank. This platform makes it easy for people who want to sell their goods with P2P cryptocurrency, and makes it easy for cryptocurrency owners to get certain items with the cryptocurrency they have without having to exchange them with fiat currency. Follow a further review of this Ubcoin platform below to find out the other benefits it provides.

What is Ubcoin?

Ubcoin is a marketplace for exchanging cryptocurrency with goods or vice versa, where everyone can sell their goods with cryptocurrency without the support of payment from the bank. This provides an opportunity for everyone to be able to own and store cryptocurrency as an investment easily without involving fiat currency payments. Ubcoin provides solutions for people in countries that do not regulate cryptocurrency to be able to have cryptocurrency without payment support from banks, only by selling goods they have on the Ubcoin platform.

How does Ubcoin work?
This ecosystem creates a platform where people who cannot use cryptocurrency because of legislation can buy and have it for investment. This platform provides benefits for its users because all transactions occur P2P and without any third parties involved so that transactions occur transparently. Ubcoin almost resembles Ebay and Amazon, where everyone can exchange and sell their items for money but the difference is that Ubcoin is only a special exchange of goods with cryptocurrency. With this platform, there is no need to have fiat currency to exchange goods and services, only cryptocurrency, so this platform provides cryptocurrency adoption that is easier for people who are not familiar with cryptocurrency.

The Ubcoin marketplace project is very interesting because it provides easier cryptocurrency adoption, and this project is also managed and developed by professional and solid people, this is evidenced by the different products and services they have created, one of which is Ubank success. The Ubcoin Marketplace was founded by the same team that founded Ubank, the leading cellular payment application in Eastern Europe that has been working since 2009 and to this day has 2.5 million active users, more than 16 million downloads worldwide, and pre- installed by Samsung and Fly. This Ubcoin platform will be supported by Blockchain Ethereum which makes transactions happen in P2P (Peer-to-Peer) so that this makes the absence of intermediaries which ultimately provides benefits and benefits for both parties (those who exchange goods and services with cryptocurrency). Ubcoin is a digital token that will be used to buy and sell items on the platform, and transactions will be completed with smart contract technology. Every transaction on the platform can use various types of cryptocurrency but to buy and sell items or products must first be exchanged with Ubcoin. So that this platform is also a cryptocurrency exchange that can be used to trade between Ubcoin and other cryptocurrency.

What are the benefits provided by Ubcoin?
As explained above, with this platform it is possible for everyone to be able to sell the goods and services they have with cryptocurrency or vice versa without requiring fiat money or the bank. This provides an advantage for people to get cryptocurrency easily even though they are in a country that has not legalized cryptocurrency. In addition, Ubcoin has protection for token holders through the Token Buy Back and Burn Program to maintain UBC's token prices from decreasing prices and also reducing supply so that they can experience price increases, and provide benefits for token holders.

Three reasons why someone must invest in Ubcoin.

  • We already have a sustainable team and a sustainable company, which is quite rare in the ICO market today, where most projects lack transparency. We have several offices, 50+ employees, and a fully transparent structure.
  • We already have products that work with a very large user base, which is even more rare in the ICO market. Only 9% of all ICO projects have business and / or work products before the start of their crowdfunding campaign. We don't create new products from scratch, we only create new features from existing products, which means less risk for investors.
  • Our products are easy to understand and have broad appeal. The majority of ICO projects are too narrow or too complicated and they are condemned to be used only by a handful of experts in certain fields. Our products are universal solutions - solving problems from both potential and existing crypto investors and do not require high-level technological expertise. If you know how to sell items on eBay, you will find out about the Ubcoin Market.
ICO Details
The UBC token (created on the blockbuster Ethtereum) will be the only used currency on the Ubcoin market. Neither the tools nor any other tokens will be used on this platform. Also a thoughtful system of encouragement for holders of UBC tokens: depending on the number of these tokens on the user’s account, he will be offered all sorts of discounts. It is envisaged that with the help of the reserve fund, the team will be able to prevent speculation in the market with respect to the UBC tokens, and keep its course. Another solution will also be implemented, which will help to strengthen the price of the token, namely, burning 5% of the commissions of all transactions on the platform.

  • Token: UBC
  • Start: 02 April 2018
  • End: 28 August 2018
  • Price: 1 UBC = 0.0001 ETH
  • The minimum amount of fees is 2 000 ETH
  • The maximum amount of fees is 179 000 ETH
  • Created tokens: 4 000 000 000 UBC
Ubcoin Team Project


Ubcoin aims to provide a market where everyone can safely and quickly sell or buy real goods in return for cryptocurrency.

For more information about this Ubcoin ICO, please visit:

Author: Ladyechy
My ETH Wallet: 0x62Ff1DB85A2eb4a2c67724C60357F7AD87235b3e

Kamis, 23 Agustus 2018

Ruby Exchange - Exchange in an easy and sophisticated way

This time I will discuss cryptocurrency exchange. The term cryptocurrency is increasingly being discussed after the investment because of its value that continues to increase fluctuatively. This article will review the basic concepts of Ruby Exchange, how the system works, facts related to the system, and what it tries to offer as disruption in the financial business order. The exchange system is determined by the market mechanisme, namely the strength of market demand and supply as well as various ways of blockchain intervention arrangements in this field. The pattern of exchange behavior depends on the prevailing monetary system. In the old order the strict foreign exchange control system was in place where the government set exchanges far below the exchange rate according to the free market which created a free foreign exchange market. During the New Order, the control system was phased out and replaced by a controlled expansion system. In the current reform era, foreign exchange control is more controlled by the government in accordance with the conditions of the cryptocurrency economy. The pair of domestic and international economic problems faced and the right policies taken for each problem may be appropriate and or may be contradictory. In this paper we will discuss more about the exchange of Ruby-X.

Watching Video Ruby-X

So what distinguishes the currency that is currently commonly used, such as the Rupiah, which is also widely used for digital transactions? Ruby-X has a decentralized nature, while the transaction model that is often used in society is centralized. There are many new and upcoming ICOs and many cryptocurrency. Thus, there arose a resurgence of cryptocurrency exchange that helped in the trading of this cryptocurrency and digital assets. Over time, we are aware of the many shortcomings of this trade exchange and we will discuss it. Many of our exchanges currently do not provide sufficient data for traders such as price and volume data. Event if the data is there, it may not be sufficient for a trader to take full advantage. Crypto traders do not like to do blind trades and prefer to have insight into their future trades to make a profit. They like to make exchanges that are very transparent and very efficient in their trade. With a difficult arena for traders on the exchange, and present a new solution in the form of Ruby-X which we will discuss today.

Understanding of Ruby Exchange
Ruby-x is a new concept of cryptocurrency exchange that provides an integrated trading service based on blockchain technology. Ruby-x will issue its own token, Ruby (RBY) which will be used as the main currency on its platform. The goal of Ruby-x is to construct an ecosystem with transparent management, secured services, and an expansible platform. Ruby-X exchange is also called stage with straightforward, expandable and insoluble capabilities. In addition, Ruby-X will create its own environment as the number 1 exchange in the cryptocurrency market. The main benefit of this Ruby-X trade is to outline the dream of cryptocurrency trading. This illustrates what is the stage of Ruby’s trading and how does it deliver incentives to its investors.
Ruby-x is a cryptocurrency and Exchange platform fund that encourages trading passion with transparency, functions that can be expanded and cannot be solved. Ruby-x is not only for cryptocurrency exchange, it is also a platform that investors and traders will be able to obtain and exchange their desires through disclosure of Ruby-x transparency of costs and transactions.

There are three core values of Ruby Exchange

The Ruby Exchange activity empowers forthwith, transparent, expandable and unbreakable capacities. For example, straightforward exposure of charges and exchange chronicles, simple trades among cryptographic forms of cash, assets and innovation, and flexible utilization of algid wallets. The venture mean to cause a trade stage where individuals can purchase and offer funds, information and innovation and withal digital currency. The origination is to modernized the way crypto trade is overseen by building a crypto trade stage that is transparent, expandable and unbreakable.

Ruby Exchange is organizing to do the rebuilding using the blockchain innovation. It means to professionals an answer for these problems by giving a trade stage where financial specialists and merchants would pick up and exchange their ardency, grasping the jubilance of life that is absent in numerous individuals' lives and in other crypto trades. The use of the blockchain innovation will profit diminish cost, bring trust and the much wanted straightforwardness. Ruby-x will apply the verification of contribution (POC) accord system. In the event that really need to ken more about the Ruby-x venture you should visit the task lightpaper. Which contain all the vital information about the undertaking.

Ruby-X mission to achieve success

Ruby-x aims to create an RBY Token which is an internal platform token which is a decentralized ecosystem based on ethereum intelligent contracts with the main POC network itself. Ruby will be launched as the most advanced and powerful web and cellular trading platform that will eventually replace the old-fashioned trading order and payment method to the new order. This application will be simplified which will convert your cryptocurrency to your fiat currency.

For what reasons do I need Ruby-X ?

Ruby is the greatest miracle and Ruby means making POC (Proof of Promise) guidelines. Ruby-x and RBY tokens are now in ERC20, but after the basic net expenditure in 2021, RBY will be used as a net money from RUBY standard to form an appropriate organic network. What's more, RBY is one of the Ruby-x central types.

At Ruby-x, RBY, BTC, ETH, and USDT are central cash designs. Ruby Tokens (RBY) can also be traded for other significant monetary standards (ETH and BTC) in Coin-to-Coin Exchange advertisements. We can consider the commission made by trade in connection with the exchange on stage. Clients can use RBY to pay Ruby-x and get discounts.

Why is Ruby Created ?

1. For the Ruby Ecosystem
  • Ruby is the biggest exchange project. Ruby is aiming to build it's own main net of POC. The token of Ruby-X is RBY. is currently on ERC20, but after the main net launch in 2021. RBY will be used as Ruby-X main net's currency to constitute the decentralized ecosystem.

2. For the key currency of Ruby
  • RBY is one of the key currencies of Ruby-X. On Ruby-X; RBY, BTC, ETH, USDT will be the key currencies. 
  • Furthermore, Ruby Token (RBY) can be traded with other key currencies (ETH and BTC) in coin-to-coin exchange markets.

3. To pay fees on Ruby-X
  • User can pay fees on Ruby-X, by RBY and will get a discount of fee as below.
  •  This discount is given at a lower price from year to year with the first year (50%), second year (40%), third year (30%), fourth year (20%) and from fifth year up (10%) .

Exchange Problem

The most worrying problem with various money-trading trades. In 2014 optically witnessed the hacking of trustworthy bosses from a mechanized money trade that MtGox lost 850,000 BTC. Around comparative time, extortionately Cryptsy and Mintpal lost 13,000 BTC and 3,894 BTC discretely. The problem of correspondence in business can never be overemphasized. Take, for example, news about starting a coin set, coin posting or assume activity is usually passed on in the life of a web predicate, for example, Twitter or Facebook from simultaneous trading at this time because there are no actions for it in different stages of cash trading. This doesn’t work well and is the longest miscommunication by clients who share it with partners and assistants based on their individual tendencies and not in any way because they have all the characteristics of being. Surprisingly, most progressive money trading keeps away from security tokens and weakens their lifting power through their training. My individual is happy to offer you the best RUBY EXCHANGE in the meeting, we are an exchange creature. We started the Ruby Exchange Project, where people can buy and offer resources, information and development as well as computerized cash through the Ruby Exchange. Ruby exchange is a phase with directness, a limit that can be expanded and cannot be solved. Likewise, Ruby will make its own organic settings.

The benefits that you can get because of joining Ruby Exchange

Defining the advantages of Ruby-X will basically represent crypto currencies in general. The first advantage of Ruby-X is its nature as an exchange of crypto currencies, with an increasingly sophisticated Hash Rate (the level of complexity of cryptographic algorithms), public trust is also guaranteed to avoid risks such as counterfeiting. This trust helps the development of a global community that strengthens its position as a currency that is not easily shaken by the conditions of society. The benefits created under Ruby-x’s open statement will be used to create open source Ruby and improve Blockchain to improve Mainnet Enhancement and AI trading steps. To ensure the implementation of advertising and high sign requests, individuals with basic exchanges also finance the use of their go-to-tribune innovations. Finally, to expand Ruby-x, we legitimately welcome box chains and other cryptographic associations legally.

ICO Ruby Exchange

The ICO details will take place from 10 August to 17 September.

After all stages of ICO sales are completed, the token is said to be traded on the best stock exchange, but the stock market is not disclosed due to a valid privacy policy.

  • 1 RBY = $ 0.22.
  • 1 RBY = $ 0.50.
  • Can be traded starting September 17.
  • (RBY) 2,000,000,000.
  • TARGET ($) $ 200,000,000.
  • BITCOIN: Min 0,1 BTC.
  • ETHEREUM: Min 1 ETH.
  • EOS: Min 100 EOS.
Ruby-X Partners
Ruby-X also has a very reliable partner team. the following is the Ruby-X partner team website;
Ruby-X will provide complete information for customers to hack and make trading stages even better. So what are you waiting for? join Ruby-X now! 

You can use the link below to check the project closer and find detailed answers to your questions;
Author: Ladyechy

Senin, 20 Agustus 2018

Ruby Exchange: Review

The exchange system is determined by the market mechanism, namely the strength of market demand and supply as well as various ways of blockchain intervention arrangements in this field. The pattern of exchange behavior depends on the prevailing monetary system.

In the old order the strict foreign exchange control system was in place where the government set exchanges far below the exchange rate according to the free market which created a free foreign exchange market. During the New Order, the control system was phased out and replaced by a controlled expansion system. In the current reform era, foreign exchange control is more controlled by the government in accordance with the conditions of the cryptocurrency economy.

The pair of domestic and international economic problems faced and the right policies taken for each problem may be appropriate and or may be contradictory. In this paper we will discuss more about the exchange of Ruby-X.

Each country has its own currency and the currency shows the value of the goods. Likewise, the international monetary system refers to institutions where payments for transnational transactions are carried out. All of these problems can be solved easily by experts, Ruby Exchange (RBY).

Understanding of Ruby

Ruby is a pink to blood red gem, a variation of the corundum (aluminum oxide) mineral. The red color is caused mainly by the presence of chromium elements. The name Ruby comes from the word Ruber, the Latin name for red.

What is Ruby-X ?
Ruby-x is a cryptocurrency and Exchange platform fund that encourages trading passion with transparency, functions that can be expanded and cannot be solved.

Ruby-x is not only for cryptocurrency exchange, it is also a platform that investors and traders will be able to obtain and exchange their desires through disclosure of Ruby-x transparency of costs and transactions.

What is the Ruby Core Value:

• Transparent

• Extensible

• Unbreakable

Ruby-x aims to create an RBY Token which is an internal platform token which is a decentralized ecosystem based on ethereum intelligent contracts with the main POC network itself.

Ruby will be launched as the most advanced and powerful web and cellular trading platform that will eventually replace the old-fashioned trading order and payment method to the new order. This application will be simplified which will convert your cryptocurrency to your fiat currency.

Why is Ruby Created ? 

  • For the Ruby Ecosystem
Ruby is the biggest exchange project. Ruby is aiming to build it's own main net of POC. The token of Ruby-X is RBY. is currently on ERC20, but after the main net launch in 2021. RBY will be used as Ruby-X main net's currency to constitute the decentralized ecosystem.
  • For the key currency of Ruby
RBY is one of the key currencies of Ruby-X. On Ruby-X; RBY, BTC, ETH, USDT will be the key currencies. 
Furthermore, Ruby Token (RBY) can be traded with other key currencies (ETH and BTC) in coin-to-coin exchange markets.
  • To pay fees on Ruby-X
User can pay fees on Ruby-X, by RBY and will get a discount of fee as below. 
This discount is given at a lower price from year to year with the first year (50%), second year (40%), third year (30%), fourth year (20%) and from fifth year up (10%) .
Ruby-X will provide complete information for customers to hack and make trading stages even better. So what are you waiting for? join Ruby-X now! 

For more information, visit the link below:

Author: Ladyechy
Bitcointalk Profile:;u=1986174

Sabtu, 11 Agustus 2018

RedCab – Decentralized Peer 2 Peer Transportation Solutions


The digital revolution has changed our lives to be more comfortable and comfortable in many aspects. The global share economy has reached $ 18 billion by 2017, is expected to reach $ 335 billion by 2025. Uber and Airbnb are two great examples of what can happen if you activate a peer-to-peer economy between community users. However, they are limited to two areas of specific service needs, transportation and lodging. Imagine you can turn everyone into a service provider for just about anything.
Many start-ups have been increasing in the market recently to solve transportation problems. Most of them are successful as a business, but nothing works without damage to social security. Despite the fact that technology has bridged the gap for transportation needs and has managed to solve some problems in the last 10 years, this leaves us with some business model impersonator without iteration or innovation. Customers are not only looking for trendy services, but are looking for truly reliable services with sustainable quality and safety, offering all transport options and services at low competitive prices, and because customers do not like to be misused, so on a rainy day , or a day with heavy traffic; The “high price” rate is not a good move.
RedCab has surveyed part-time drivers, with 91% of the population using car apps and having an income hold up to 87% with flexible working methods. RedCab’s business model ensures a 20% increase in driver revenue with a clear strategy to capitalize on 10 on dominance networks where the time of those who choose to partner with Redcap and manage drives more efficiently.
What is RedCab?
RedCab LLC. The company was founded to offer a seamless peer to peer transport solution for individuals and businesses through the decentralization of the entire process using blockchain technology. The REDC token will be used as a utility token for everyday transactions that create a massive demand for restricted restricted stocks. Companies that have existed since 2016 with real field operations. Bringing global innovative solutions through Blockchain to existing market needs with annual demand of $ 230 Billion.
Vision RedCab
The RedCab LLC team has seen a clear opportunity in the transportation industry for its unique business model to balance business objectives and customer needs, backed by a strong technical platform. Blockchain technology is regarded as the backbone of this business model from providing secure transactions and quick contracts; it perfectly blends with our business model to deliver a world of decentralized managed and managed transport solutions to people who are ready to serve individuals and support the business.
How RedCab Solution Works?
RedCab is a decentralizing the transportation solution for individuals by utilizing Blockchain technologies for cost-efficient and secure transactions. On the other hand, saving billions of dollars from transportation commission to be rewarded back to the ecosystem ensuring sustainability and business continuity through cutting-edge technology, performance management and customer loyalty. Our business model is designed to ensure smooth market penetration through lean and reliable processes, and our scoring and reward program ensures loyal and productive community. With the variation in fare calculation from one country to another and even from one city to another, RedCab LLC has managed to keep the tool flexible to amend the best pricing formula without surge price or high-cost fare in holidays or bad weather.
Problem Solving: Why RedCab?
Many start-ups have been rising in the market recently to solve the transportation issue. Most of them are successful as a business, but none of them have succeeded without a social collateral damage.
Despite the fact that technology has bridged the gap for transportation needs and has successfully solved some problems in the past 10 years, this left us with multiple copycat business models without any iteration or innovation. Customers are not only searching for a trendy service, but looking for a true reliable service with sustainable quality and safety, that offers all transportation options and services with a low competitive price, and because customers hate to be abused; so on a rainy day, or a day with heavy traffic; “high rates” fare is not a good move.
Service and Segmentation for Customers
RedCab LLC has spent enough time understanding customer needs to customize not only travel or transportation stylish from point A to point B but a convenient, secure, and affordable solution that meets everyone’s needs. From business to family and from individual to group, RedCab LLC manages to categorize car models as needed, without limitation for certain segments and to ensure all travel demands are covered.
  • Economic Cabin
RedCab selects cars carefully with a focus on affordability. Less fuel consumption means lower tariffs. The economic journey is for the use of the City. Short and quick daily trips.
  • Luxury Cabin
Luxury car for those who want to arrive in style and do not mind the additional cost.
  • Family Cab
The bigger type of car to take the kids for a long trip or go out with the whole family. Suitable for special care or senior citizens. Family Cab is a unique feature of RedCab LLC for the extra care of children and seniors.
  • Red Cab
Red Super colored car. This is the last trip. Users will pay a lot, and the driver will make more on the tokens. But the impression it will go … Priceless!
RedCab Technology and Applications
From the technical aspect to the business model, a dedicated research team spends a full year studying needs, assessing market gaps and exploring potentials with a focus on the driver’s experience and driver’s needs. One of the key aspects of RedCab’s business approach is global reach.
RedCap has 6 Languages ​​in its app and links to Global maps to be matched and includes different user experiences, as well as diverse car choices and categories from RedCap, covering all travel needs.
The first beta version of Mobile Apps was aired in 2017 both in the App Store and Google play, and the soft launch took place at a small tourist spot by the Red Sea for more hand operations and to test car calling services, consuming most of our business models. We see great potential in the industry and growing demand in all metropolitan cities in the hope of future growth for the industry reaching $ 285 Billion by 2030.
Ico Details
  • Pre-Sale: Starts 01 June 2018 at 12:00 AM GMT and ends on 21 June 2018 at 11:59 PM GMT with early bird investors getting a 15% Bonus till allocated amount is sold out or phase ends.
  • Main Crowd-Sale Start Date: 22 June at 12:00 AM GMT and ends on 15 August 2018 at 11:59 PM GMT.
  • Accepted Currency for Token Sale: Ethereum
  • Token Name: REDC
  • Token Type: ERC20
  • Exchange: 1 ETH = 2333 REDC
  • Hard Cap: 24529 ETH
  • Min Purchase: 0.1 ETH = 233 REDC
  • What Exchanges will REDC be listed on? REDC will be listed on exchanges that are regulated and have proof of reserves, including the Korean, Japanese and other globally recognized major exchanges.
Tokens distribution
  • 9% Team and Founders
  • 3% Advisors
  • 1% Bounty
  • 7% Private Sale
  • 15% Presale
  • 25% Reserved for Proof-Of-Driving & Proof-of-Marketing token generation.
  • 40% Crowd-sale
Budget Allocation Overview
  • 29% Product Development
  • 41% Marketing, Acquisitions and Partnerships
  • 13% Management & Advisory board
  • 11% Admin and Operations
  • 6% Legal
RedCab Team
Advisory Team

Author: Ladyechy
Bitcointalk Profile:;u=1986174
My ETH Address: 0x62Ff1DB85A2eb4a2c67724C60357F7AD87235b3e

Jumat, 10 Agustus 2018

RedCab (LLC) - Decentralized Transportation Solution


About RedCab
RedCab LLC offers decentralized shared transportation solutions for people. Take advantage of the vitality of the Blockchain headchain and the extraordinary activity settings for a direct, direct, and innovative future. Built in 2016, and encouraged in 2017 with a strong guide to the fate of joint transportation organizations. Driving Confirmation and Proof of the Marketing Concept, AI Powered's right hand road, Geo Ads for adjustments, and strong actions from the training action on the field in a short trajectory.

Watch Presentation Videos
RedCab LLC makes it possible for everyone to be independent as coordinated specialist cooperatives who take a shot on a distributed scale, while taxi organizations work as skilled specialist organizations.
Our action plan is intended to convey 100% of the profits to clients versus 100% of profits to drivers and taxi organizations through decentralization of all procedures.
The execution and reward program for drivers is intended to ensure that each trip has the highest quality from the client's meeting point, while mental factors are not actualized to represent the customer loyalty section, and procedures are prepared to ensure the safety of the two meetings.

Ico Details
Pre-Sales: Starting June 1, 2018 at 12:00 AM GMT and ending on June 21 2018 at 11:59 GMT with novice investors getting a 15% Bonus until the amount allocated is sold out or ends phase.
Main Crowd-Sale Start Date: June 22 at 12:00 AM GMT and end on August 15, 2018 at 11:59 GMT.
Currency Received for Token Sales: Ethereum
Token Name: REDC
Token Type: ERC20
Exchange: 1 ETH = 2333 REDC
Hard Cap: 24529 ETH
Min Purchase: 0.1 ETH = 233 REDC
Will the Exchange REDC be registered? REDC will be listed on regulated and reserve-proven exchanges, including Korea, Japan and other major exchanges that are globally recognized.

Token Distribution
9% Team and Founder
3% Advisor
1% Bounty
7% Private Sales
15% Presale
25% Intended for Proof-Of-Driving & Proof of-Marketing Generation of tokens.
40% of sales

Budget Allocation Overview
29% Product Development
41% Marketing, Acquisition and Partnership
13% Management & Advisory Board
11% Admin and Operations
6% Law


Below are planned activities according to the time frame.
  • Q1 2016
Business ideas come, and we start business research.
  • Q2 2016
Cellular Application Development begins - first trial and error.
  • Q3 2016
Market research and business iterations.
  • Q4 2016
Launch of the mobile application MVP. Live live on Google Play with driver and driver clients.
  • Q1 2017
Play on the iTunes App Store with clients and operations starting in one Coastal City.
  • Q2 2017
Corporate legal arrangements. The first website was launched
  • Q3 2017
Lifting the First Round of Investment.
  • Q4 2017
Operation expansion into 2 coastal cities Partnership with Sierra Global Solutions.
  • Q1 2018
Launch and redesign new website Creation of brand identity.
  • Q2 2018
Soft Launch & Community Building. Partnering with & SkaleUP Ventures. acquisition of
  • Q3 2018
REDC Token creation and ICO launch Partnership with
  • Q4 2018
End of Token Sales and token distribution to contributors. Large Email Campaign, Social Media & Digital PR to introduce RedCab to the world. Partnering with doPAY payment processors.
  • Q1 2019
Recording REDC tokens in 2 of 10 Crypto Exchange Top. Listing at Start developing RedCab Dapp with wallet integration. Invest in Infrastructure.
  • Q2 2019
Expansion of operations on the ground in selected cities in EMEA and the LATAM area. Partnerships with Aviation Companies (names that must be confirmed).
  • Q3 2019
Proof of Driving and Proof of Marketing product development. Expand our Travel Service Partners, hotels and restaurants. List of REDC Tokens on 1 Crypto Top 5 Exchange.
  • Q4 2019
Release of iOS 2.0 and Android release with wallet integration and introduction of Cabbi smart bot. Expand Offices in European & Asian Markets.
  • Q1 2020
Stage 2 large-scale marketing campaign. Increase investment round 2. List REDC Tokens on two Top 5 Crypto exchanges.
  • Q2 2020
RedCab Platform Development. Data extraction and introduction of Geo-Ads. Introducing Evidence-Driving and Proof-Of-Marketing. DAPP release. Decentralized Escrow Exchange for REDC Tokens to trade fiat currencies in REDC exchanges.
  • Q3 2020
Partnering with sports, celebrities and public figures for Marketing and exposure.
  • Q4 2020
Expand operations on land to North America.
  • Q1 2021
Listing on all Top 5 Crypto exchanges.

Below are the innovators who will work together to realize the project.

In certain businesses, the organization considers an important part in making business progress. The accompanying one will definitely be an accomplice of Red Cab.
After reviewing the relevant facts about this project, I must say that this is worth investing in 2018. It is strongly recommended.

For more information, please visit the link below:

Author: Ladyechy
Bitcointalk Profile:;u=1986174
My ETH Address:0x62Ff1DB85A2eb4a2c67724C60357F7AD87235b3e