Senin, 20 Agustus 2018

Ruby Exchange: Review

The exchange system is determined by the market mechanism, namely the strength of market demand and supply as well as various ways of blockchain intervention arrangements in this field. The pattern of exchange behavior depends on the prevailing monetary system.

In the old order the strict foreign exchange control system was in place where the government set exchanges far below the exchange rate according to the free market which created a free foreign exchange market. During the New Order, the control system was phased out and replaced by a controlled expansion system. In the current reform era, foreign exchange control is more controlled by the government in accordance with the conditions of the cryptocurrency economy.

The pair of domestic and international economic problems faced and the right policies taken for each problem may be appropriate and or may be contradictory. In this paper we will discuss more about the exchange of Ruby-X.

Each country has its own currency and the currency shows the value of the goods. Likewise, the international monetary system refers to institutions where payments for transnational transactions are carried out. All of these problems can be solved easily by experts, Ruby Exchange (RBY).

Understanding of Ruby

Ruby is a pink to blood red gem, a variation of the corundum (aluminum oxide) mineral. The red color is caused mainly by the presence of chromium elements. The name Ruby comes from the word Ruber, the Latin name for red.

What is Ruby-X ?
Ruby-x is a cryptocurrency and Exchange platform fund that encourages trading passion with transparency, functions that can be expanded and cannot be solved.

Ruby-x is not only for cryptocurrency exchange, it is also a platform that investors and traders will be able to obtain and exchange their desires through disclosure of Ruby-x transparency of costs and transactions.

What is the Ruby Core Value:

• Transparent

• Extensible

• Unbreakable

Ruby-x aims to create an RBY Token which is an internal platform token which is a decentralized ecosystem based on ethereum intelligent contracts with the main POC network itself.

Ruby will be launched as the most advanced and powerful web and cellular trading platform that will eventually replace the old-fashioned trading order and payment method to the new order. This application will be simplified which will convert your cryptocurrency to your fiat currency.

Why is Ruby Created ? 

  • For the Ruby Ecosystem
Ruby is the biggest exchange project. Ruby is aiming to build it's own main net of POC. The token of Ruby-X is RBY. is currently on ERC20, but after the main net launch in 2021. RBY will be used as Ruby-X main net's currency to constitute the decentralized ecosystem.
  • For the key currency of Ruby
RBY is one of the key currencies of Ruby-X. On Ruby-X; RBY, BTC, ETH, USDT will be the key currencies. 
Furthermore, Ruby Token (RBY) can be traded with other key currencies (ETH and BTC) in coin-to-coin exchange markets.
  • To pay fees on Ruby-X
User can pay fees on Ruby-X, by RBY and will get a discount of fee as below. 
This discount is given at a lower price from year to year with the first year (50%), second year (40%), third year (30%), fourth year (20%) and from fifth year up (10%) .
Ruby-X will provide complete information for customers to hack and make trading stages even better. So what are you waiting for? join Ruby-X now! 

For more information, visit the link below:

Author: Ladyechy
Bitcointalk Profile:;u=1986174

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